I had a friend post a question on Facebook. She has a granddaughter who is deaf . She has learnned some sign language. But adults don't learn as quickly as children do. She has asked me if I know of anywhere where she can get some sign language instruction for free. Though I do not know where to go to get free lessons that would be advanced, free sign language lessons are available at lifeprint.com. There is also a really cool web site I check into from time to time called ASL pro At this web site, someone types in a word or a phrase and a video shows a person signing the word or phrase. It is a good tool to use to brush up on words or learn somthing new. Michigan State University has a really nice tool called the ASL Web browser . You need Quicktime Software for this website. It's a free download and the website has a link to it.
I love sign language and have had 3 classes in it. I am by no means an expert. I do have the opinion that it should be offered at most any school or college for language credit. Few schools and Universities do this. I also think if you work in public you should have a working knowlege of it. It is in fact a language with its own beauty. (Frankly its a bit more fun to learn than some of the other languages I have dabbled in) Happy Mother's day to all families and take care.
PS My foot seems to be on the mend.
I do know locally in Salisbury that the Cross Pointe church does have sign language classes that are usally offered for free, sorry I don't have the details. Hope this is helpful:)