Joana Weaver
501 Georgia Avenue Salisbury MD 21801 Phone (410)742-4040 H
(410) 422-5668 M
Public Speaker Created and taught a presentation on the stereotyping people with disabilities in the movies. Discuss how this might impact ones teaching in this age of changing classroom environments. Class was added to the syllabus of Inclusive Education at Salisbury University. Have also created and taught classes in supporting natural friendships, and basic Americans with Disabilities Act facts for day care providers. September 1998-current Blog
Shore Transit Information Coordinator Intern- Worked with the public and with Shore Transit employees to provide accurate and appropriate information on bus routes and schedules, recording of any incidents, travel training people with disabilities to use the fixed route system and any other duties as assigned. Worked with all bus routes. Worked with 10-15 people per day July-October 2010
Arc of Maryland- Coordinator Self Advocacy Network/ Eastern Shore Monitoring Project Developed and helped administer a consumer satisfaction survey for people with developmental disabilities who live in State funded group homes and Living Units. Helped write quarterly reports, data analysis yearly reports and final reports for six years. This data was used to support and improve the lives of people with disabilities who live on the Eastern Shore. Surveyed all nine counties on the Eastern Shore. Sept 2003-November 2009 Self Advocacy Network Eastern Regional Coordinator Set up people with disabilities in the community with people who lived in a state residential center for advocacy and support. Helped introduced pairs to their community by planning community activities for small groups. Worked with as many as 20 residents of Holly Center September 2006 February 2010
Substitute Teacher Worked with school aged children from Kindergarten through High school. classes for absent teachers using the teacher education plan. Taught all subjects except gym and followed the school’s different policies and procedures. Used games whenever possible to facilitate learning. February 2001-Sept 2003
Wicomico County Public Library-Teen Tech Coordinator Worked with middle and high school students to create computer based projects in order to earn service learning hours. Non profit agencies and businesses provided requests for projects such as business cards, posters, reward certificates and basic web pages. July 2000 to July 2001
Joana Weaver
501 Georgia Ave
Salisbury MD 21801
410-742-4040 H 410-422-5668 M Email
Salisbury University
Bachelor of Arts Sociology 1991
Master of Education Post Secondary 1999
Basic Computer software
Office suites, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Publisher
Basic Web page Design
Some Sign Language
Public Speaking
Some Conflict Resolution
Community Affiliations
Shore Transit Advisory Board
Salisbury Chorale
References Available Upon Request